Author:Lou Cameron
Publisher:Gold Medal
Year: 1960 Print: 1 Cover Price: $.35
Condition: Very Good Plus. Light wear
Pages: 190
The first time Ben Parker meets Johnny Angel, Ben is blowing bass with Daddy Halloway and the Hot Babies. Angel angles into the band by acing out the drummer. Parkers got a bad feeling about Angel, but has to hire him anyway. Johnny Angel, raised from the school of hard knocks, doesnt let anyone or any scruple get in his way. First, he steals Daddys band, then he steals his daughter, Blanche.
Then WWII happensParker serves, but Johnny cops a gay plea and gets out. When Parker gets back he hooks up with a talented but tubercular composer named Con Conners. And a sultry singer, Ginger. But Johnny Angel is right behind him, ready to do whatever it takes to climb to the top on someone elses talent, be it beg, borrow or steal… even kill. This is the ruthless story of the music business told from the inside, starting from the days of swing jazz to bebop, all the way to rocknroll.
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